How I overcome boring work days?

Have you ever experience while inside the office, you find nothing to do? It's like you need to go to the office even you know that there's nothing waiting for you. You know that office hours will be boring and dull but you can't be absent! Well if you do encounter this count me in 'cause most of the time this is my situation at the office. I know that I should be looking for another job but I can't able since I signed a contract. But just to ease some boredom here's some thing that I usually do…

Walk. If I find time to escape from my office table I certainly grab it. I'd take some walk inside the office building but I try to act that I am looking for someone. Actually it's just a short walk just to relax and also to make my blood circulating. You can also try going to the restroom and have some retouching if necessary. Hahaha!

Search the net. Well, not all offices allow us to use the internet facility like we do here. But I still make it. Actually, if I sense that someone is coming I automatically minimize my internet explorer and pretend that I'm busy. It's hard since I really don't have something to do. One thing I always do is to open a word document and type anything that goes in my mind. But make sure that your fonts are not too visible that someone can able to read it.

Talk to a friend. This is another popular way to waste your time. Calling some friends and talking to them but don't be too obvious that it's a personal call unless you want to have a bad record. You can also try to send them an email or even chat with them if your company allows chat facility. That will not be too obvious. Some may think that the emails you write and read are official.

Take a snack. I always made sure that I have some crackers and candies in my drawer. Not just to satisfy my hunger but also it helps for me not to notice the time.

Maybe you have better idea to share. Please don't hesitate!
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