My Stepson

Just yesterday, I received a call from my husband. At first I was excited to answer the call since we rarely call each other. But after hearing his news, I felt a sudden sadness. According to him his son will be back here next month.

I already met my stepson and I can say that's he's nice. But I don't know why I am not comfortable with the child. I was thinking that probably we're not given a chance to be close to each other. Or maybe, I am feeling this cause he's not my own blood?

Besides that, I am very open to say to my husband that I am really jealous of my stepson even before his mother took him away from us. My husband and my stepson were so close and my husband can forget about me and my daughter when his son is around. I'm serious with that and it's true.

I just hope that things would have changed once my stepson came back. Cause I no longer know what will I do once I feel that my daughter is being taken for granted.
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